月一度、第4日曜日に日本語と英語のバイリンガルのミーティングを行っています。 昼食を一緒にとり、ミーティング後にはお茶を飲みながら交流会をもちます、どうぞ、気軽にお越し下さい。(現在、コロナ禍のため、持ち寄りの食事会、お茶会は見合わせています。)(時間と場所はこちら)
JCF is a Japanese Christian Group in Brisbane, having a bilingual (Japanese and English) meeting and fellowship once a month on the 4th sundays, with a lunch and an afternoon tea. We welcome everyone. (Due to COVID pandemic restrictions, we are regretably not having the 'bring-a-plate' luncheon known to JCF' and fellowship tea time post service). (Click here for Time and Place)
Meeting place is at the chapel of Riverlife Baptist Church.
JCF Live worship stream will be from Facebook site (Click here).
2024年のJCFにようこそ。今年のテーマ:教会 第三弾〜私達の関係
Welcome to JCF 2024. This year's theme is: "Church" for the 3rd time, with emphasis on "Our Relationship."
November JCF is at 1pm on the Sunday 25th.
Speaker: Nick Kikuchi
Title: Gift
10月「でも、という信仰」(Oct) "The Faith with BUT", Teiichiro Kuroda
9月「神は私たちを使われ、統合される」(Sept) "God Unites and Uses Us", Scott McKinnon
8月「神様の頭の中の絵」(Aug) "The Picutre in the God's Head", Aimee Cowen
7月「弟子達だけが世界を変えられる」(Jul) "Only the deciples can change the worldr", Luke14:25-35, Thong Ng
6月「共に祈り合う」(Jun) "Praying Together", Matt 6:5-10, N Kikuchi
5月「互いに愛し合いなさい」(Mar) "Love One Another", John 13:34-35, Eric Whitley
4月「クリスチャンの信者同士、神との関係」(Mar) "The Christian’s Relationship to God and others" Roman 14:17-15:14, Sam Thompson
3月「互いに愛し合いなさい」(Mar) "Love One Another" John 13:34-35, N Kikuhci
2月「神との関係」(Feb) "Our Relationship with God", Roman 5:8, N Kikuchi
Past Video Feed of services are available from Facebook.
Nov: Nick Kikuchi